Musings of Alice

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society

A beautiful South Park episode... Now many things make sense, although I never had this particular experience! Ah...growing pains...

More Anon

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Return toYork

Hello, from York!

Yes thats right, I'm in York again, and all is delightfully northern! I'm writing this for the first time from my laptop, which is, also for the first time, hooked up to the internet. Woohoo! I am once again catching up with the rest of my generation. I spend my life catching up! Saturday was crazy, and I nearly broke my back with all the stuff I was carrying on the train. This one woman seemed very concerned about me in my state of heavy ladenness, saying "eh Lass, you've got too mooch stoof there"... kind of...

Every time I travel northbound by train, there is always a progression from relative quiet to raucous noise. I always notice how loudly Northerners speak, and how much they laugh as if they don't care that they can be heard throughout the whole train. I like this feature about the north, and of course I'm only generalising. Southerners can be just as loud. Accents change as well. When I travel from York to Bath there's a changeover from a broad Geordie accent to a Birmingham accent, and then finally a Westcountry (Ooo Arr she me noice little cow) accent. It's like a lesson in regional accents! Sadly, I always invite ridicule when I try to do impressions of these accents... I used to think I was quite good... Tsk! I pity the fool that is me!

Anyway, Now I'm in York again it's about time I got on with sorting out my life... I'll tell you how it goes... Just before I go though, here's the reason I came back to York this Saturday... I'm sure they won't mind me posting a couple of pictures of their wedding... Presenting Sarah and Chris, or the new Mr and Mrs Sinclair-Wickham (sp?) I had a tear in my eye, it was a beautiful day... even though I knew noone apart from the bride and groom...

Chris and Sarah are announced as they enter the reception in museum Gardens, York... The food was from El Piano, the best vegan place around!

A Horse and Carridge!!!

Sarah and some family members, including her mum, and her sister, I think... I just like this picture...

Strange seeing someone my age getting hitched... *thoughtful look into space*...

More anon dear folk

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The way's of the Meme

Apparently I got it wrong. I must "tag" people to take a picture of themselves eating cheese and post it on their blogs. Therefore, I choose Fred, Paul and The Venomous Bee, and maybe Boo and/or Trev if they read this... isn't it silly!

More anon... I expect cheese eating to be done...

The Cheese Challenge

In response to the Meme, set out by Canadian Cait, and passed on by Mr K, I hereby present the art of cheese eating... Alice style... in a whispery yet excited voice, much like a snooker commentator...

First, Alice assesses the cheese... It seems to be satisfactory. (My goodness, I look attractive today!Tsk!)

Secondly Alice eats the cheese....

Mmmmm... English Cheddar...

Thirdly, well, thats about it really... And it's all washed down with a lovely cup of tea!
Well now, aren't you glad you stopped by my blog today?!

I pass this task onto anyone who reads this... if you don't have a blog, send me a picture and I'll post it for you... :o)

More anon

Friday, September 08, 2006

Southpark Me!

I've been playing on the computer and made ME in southpark style! Haha! Notice Bowler hat, Tea and Teddy. Yes, it is fundamentally me!! I'm chuffed with that! Tsk! I'll write a proper post tomorrow...

More anon dear folk...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Village Monologues

I love living in a village but I sometimes it really drives me mad. I live in a picture postcard English village when I'm home with my parents, and I feel quite cut off from everything even though it's not far from London or Cambridge. I can go to all kinds of places should I have money enough to spare, (which is rare just now!) but if I spend too long here I start to feel the need to scream, because I'm just not achieving anything. So why do I feel so discontent?

The answer, as far as I can make out, is quite convoluted and not very obvious. I'm stuck between two worlds at the moment, on one hand, this village has a lot of idyllic qualities, like pretty buildings, nice people, countryside, fresh air, close community, and nothing really drastic ever happens (apart from illegal raves...we made it onto national news that day!) and I like to have the time to appreciate everything around me, which seems to be possible here. But I actually NEED to go back to York, and to city life, where there are other people, other things to do, more things that are constantly changing, and more space to develop in general.

When I was younger I used to think it was sad that there are hardly any young people in villages, as their populations tend to be made up of retired people, and well off business people with young children (cause they can actually afford to live in the old cottages!) But now I completely understand. It's a stifling environment for people my age, because life doesn't move forward very fast, and it seems the ones who really fit in are those who've reached some kind of plateau in their lives, where nothing much is going to change for about 10 years or more. I like coming back here for time-out, but I couldn't settle in a place like this for a good few years yet. I do love it here, and it is my childhood home, but the world out there is so much bigger. I guess city life has spoiled me!

More anon dear folk

Say it with Knitwear

When I first went to University I was determined to be myself. I arrived at the flat I was to share with 4 other people in the late morning on my 20th Birthday, 23rd of September 2003. (check out what month it is people!) It was a momentous day, and one I had been waiting for for my entire gap year. The sun shone, everyone was new and exciting, and my outlook on the life ahead couldn't have been more positive. Infact, I was so confident that I went up to people and introduced myself. It was liberating. Oddly. Now I think about it.

Thats pretty much how my mood remained for the whole term. It felt amazing because I was far away from all the people I knew at school who held all their preconceptions about me. I was so comfortable with myself for the first time in my life. It was on the third day there that I got out my knitting and sat in the kitchen making myself a new scarf for the winter. (thats the only thing I can knit) And my flatmates started to notice how I was capable of drinking more mugs of tea than all of them put together. My identity as a grandmother figure was born. And to be honest, I quite like it.

Three years on it seems like nothing much has changed, apart from my sunshiny outlook, which has been dulled down to a selfcontrolled glow. I was thinking about this today because I have recently started knitting again. This came about because my Mum, who's recovering from illness, said she wanted to make a quilt out of knitted squares, because she's bored of sitting around not able to do much. I said I'd help because I always like an excuse to knit... strange but true! I've made it my task for the rest of 2006 to learn how to knit more exciting things... maybe a jumper... oh and to get a job of course... damn, I knew there was something I should be doing... there's the procrastination again...

More anon dear folk