Musings of Alice

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Post Christmas Lull

I'm back... for one blog at least... I'm also back in Ye Olde Saffrone Waldone... or thereabouts! I've been feeling the pressure to blog from some of those who like to check in on this thoroughly dull blog, so I will oblige with a rambling... of sorts...

I hope you have all had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!! and are getting ready to indulge in more frivolity for New Year. For Christmas of course, I got the obligatory silly Christmas themed socks... which are a joy to behold as my feet nestle cosily inside their pink and sparkly exterior. My relatives don't see me mch and therefore have not idea that I HATE HATE HATE pink, and so I once again have obliged. I'm such a push-over, but hey it was Christmas! Tsk!

I also got Barnaked Ladies new album - Are Me - (very pleased) and About a Boy and High Fidelity by the wonderful Nick Hornby. Not to mention a beautiful Meowing Cat Alarm Clock... It will bring joy to my mornings...or alternatively I will loath Cats for their associations of waking me from slumber...

And of course, chocolate... marvelous!

More anon... More tomorrow infact... promise... :o)

Monday, December 11, 2006

To my Darling Bloglings... I have neglected you of late, as usual. Have just been for Chinese with Clare at the Willow. It's a buffet, so I'm completely stuffed. I even ate desert which is amazing for me! The best thing about the Willow is that it's £6.95 for buffet and then you just go back to get more plus pudding, and it costs no more. Yey!

We're now in the University Library and the woman is making the announcement that "bing bong - library and information services will be closing at 9 o'clock. If you have any items you wish to borrow, please make your way to the help desk." I've really missed the atmosphere of this place... Consciencious study infused with a mild sense of panic/boredom, aleviated by the sound of chisps being crunched and fizzy drinks being guzzled! A girl just walking in with about 20 books... looks like she's doing an all-nighter. Alas I do not get to feel that panic anymore... I feel so sad that I'm not a student anymore. It could never be as good second time round. Damnit!

This is a silly post I admit... the blogs other people write tend to be really interesting and intelligent. I must regain inspiration from somewhere...

More anon dear folk.