Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society
A beautiful South Park episode... Now many things make sense, although I never had this particular experience! Ah...growing pains...
More Anon
A beautiful South Park episode... Now many things make sense, although I never had this particular experience! Ah...growing pains...
Hello, from York!
Apparently I got it wrong. I must "tag" people to take a picture of themselves eating cheese and post it on their blogs. Therefore, I choose Fred, Paul and The Venomous Bee, and maybe Boo and/or Trev if they read this... isn't it silly!
In response to the Meme, set out by Canadian Cait, and passed on by Mr K, I hereby present the art of cheese eating... Alice style... in a whispery yet excited voice, much like a snooker commentator...
Mmmmm... English Cheddar...
Thirdly, well, thats about it really... And it's all washed down with a lovely cup of tea!
Well now, aren't you glad you stopped by my blog today?!
I pass this task onto anyone who reads this... if you don't have a blog, send me a picture and I'll post it for you... :o)
More anon
I love living in a village but I sometimes it really drives me mad. I live in a picture postcard English village when I'm home with my parents, and I feel quite cut off from everything even though it's not far from London or Cambridge. I can go to all kinds of places should I have money enough to spare, (which is rare just now!) but if I spend too long here I start to feel the need to scream, because I'm just not achieving anything. So why do I feel so discontent?
When I first went to University I was determined to be myself. I arrived at the flat I was to share with 4 other people in the late morning on my 20th Birthday, 23rd of September 2003. (check out what month it is people!) It was a momentous day, and one I had been waiting for for my entire gap year. The sun shone, everyone was new and exciting, and my outlook on the life ahead couldn't have been more positive. Infact, I was so confident that I went up to people and introduced myself. It was liberating. Oddly. Now I think about it.