Musings of Alice

Monday, September 24, 2007

Reminiscent Splurge

I'm in the library of Southampton University, like a stealthy interloper... I have the advantage of looking like a student, which means that pleasant Southampton students smile at me, and nervous visitors ask me for directions. I find this all strangely satisfying. But isn't it weird how people assume things about your identity. For example, I wear jeans and carry a rucksack, and hang around the universitylibrary so therefore I am a student. (to be fair, I don't necessarily know that the people around me in the library aren't interlopers as well) If they were to talk to me they would discover an entirely different person. In my head I am still from York. I miss it terribly. In all fairness, I'm not exactly in an environment far removed from my own reality, so it really doesn't take much for me to fit in with the crowd. Useful really, considering K and I won't have Internet at home for another week.

I feel it's time to start saying goodbye to York as my home and to try to adjust my head to Southampton... and to do this, I've decided to post some pictures as a kind of ode.

My Ginnel/Snicket whichever it is... I don't know whether it was a made up story or not, but I was told a mad woman called alice used to frequent it (until August 2007 aparently!)... mmmm...

That's the RULE in the Yorkshire Terrier Public House!

The HOUSE OF DOOM... but I did love it right up until the end...

The minster by night... it's right there wherever you go in York so it symbolises home for a lot of Yorkian people.

No one knows where to get them from, but they sound delicious don't they?! This sign reminded me to take bile beans for 4 years... but I never did

Meal for one at El Piano... all vegan... all yummy

West Door of York Minster, with the story of Adam and Eve around the edge... I didn't notice this until my last week in York

There's nothing quite like drinking a glass of red with a view like this to look at...

And now I'll sign off, as the wireless internet, blogger and I are at war, and also I'm hungry...

More anon

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Petty Vandalism, Camels and Flatpack Furniture

Good Morrow fair blog perusers... all, er, three of you :oD Hope you haven't given up on me.

Life has taken yet another dramatic turn since I blogged last, as predicted. I'm now in the library of Southampton University, on a really tired and crumby (literally) computer with a mouse which only operates in and anti-clockwise direction as two of the three little wheels inside it which direct the cursor have mysteriously been removed. In fact it's a new kind of vandalism, which I will call "micro-vandalism" as it seems to involve the breaking or removing of tiny but vital parts. The keyboard has been a victim of what I'll call "gastro-vandalism", as it appears to have had an entire loaf of bread torn into crumbs and sprinkled between the keys. Why do I stay at this computing device you may ask? well, firstly I'm a strange mixture of stubbourn [help! I can't spell] and forgiving, and secondly, I was hoping for a topic to blog on and this seems to be suitably inane. Petty vandalism prevails whether you're in the north or the south.

Back to life at present though, (partially responding to dear Mr K's post) our sofa arrived today, Mr K's choice of colour - Camel - and yes he made the joke about whether it had humps or not - ha. ha. (because he doesn't like jazzy colours like I do and I have secret plans to make it more jazzy with some tasteful scatter cushions, not so secret now I guess) And we demonstrated master craftsmenship today in putting up our new coffee table... oh yes people... we are no longer students of hotchpotch dirty-plates-stored-on-floor fame, but proud owners of our very own furniture. From John Lewis. Because my mum gets discount.

When I finally have my laptop online again, which won't be for a couple of weeks I'll post all kind of catch up posts - my luck with internet access has been mean lately so there's a lot to blog about, which strangely I'm rather looking forward to.

More anon