Musings of Alice

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Petty Vandalism, Camels and Flatpack Furniture

Good Morrow fair blog perusers... all, er, three of you :oD Hope you haven't given up on me.

Life has taken yet another dramatic turn since I blogged last, as predicted. I'm now in the library of Southampton University, on a really tired and crumby (literally) computer with a mouse which only operates in and anti-clockwise direction as two of the three little wheels inside it which direct the cursor have mysteriously been removed. In fact it's a new kind of vandalism, which I will call "micro-vandalism" as it seems to involve the breaking or removing of tiny but vital parts. The keyboard has been a victim of what I'll call "gastro-vandalism", as it appears to have had an entire loaf of bread torn into crumbs and sprinkled between the keys. Why do I stay at this computing device you may ask? well, firstly I'm a strange mixture of stubbourn [help! I can't spell] and forgiving, and secondly, I was hoping for a topic to blog on and this seems to be suitably inane. Petty vandalism prevails whether you're in the north or the south.

Back to life at present though, (partially responding to dear Mr K's post) our sofa arrived today, Mr K's choice of colour - Camel - and yes he made the joke about whether it had humps or not - ha. ha. (because he doesn't like jazzy colours like I do and I have secret plans to make it more jazzy with some tasteful scatter cushions, not so secret now I guess) And we demonstrated master craftsmenship today in putting up our new coffee table... oh yes people... we are no longer students of hotchpotch dirty-plates-stored-on-floor fame, but proud owners of our very own furniture. From John Lewis. Because my mum gets discount.

When I finally have my laptop online again, which won't be for a couple of weeks I'll post all kind of catch up posts - my luck with internet access has been mean lately so there's a lot to blog about, which strangely I'm rather looking forward to.

More anon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! That makes me happy! Enjoy your new home!

2:43 PM  
Blogger Boo and Trev said...

When I worked at Long Road library some bright spark had prized off the e key and s key on a learning support centre computer. They they transposed them. It took systems support ages to work out why nobody could log in!
Hope you're settling in well

5:59 AM  
Blogger Mr K said...

I like to think I am the only thing that stands between our flat turning into the most colourful place in the universe. This would be a bad thing, by the way....

10:29 AM  

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