Yes lovely people it's that (hideous) time once more when nearly every country in europe comes together to compete against eachother with what can only be described as the worst music ever in the history on humankind.
I know, I know, it's MEANT to be kitch... but I get the impression that there are people taking it deadly seriously. I'll be watching because of the delightful and delectible Terry Wogan, becuase his satirical banter makes it all the more bearable, and of course, it's very important to turn on subtitles so you can see what on earth the competitors are singing about...some of this years lyrical sneak previews being:
"Oh, don't call me funny bunny
I'll blow your money, money
I'll get you to my bad ass spinning for you"... obviously... I quite agree...
Czech Republic
"Her den is there by the railway
She collects coins from fountains
And puts them on the tracks
She's building a temple, a tin bridge
The first guest is coming over
So at least his legs won't hurt"...which I personally think is ROCKIN'...
and the most sensible of all...
United Kingdom
"Ba-ba-da, Ba-ba-da,
Ba-da-da-ba, ba-da,
Duty free madam?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."... *sob*... I'm just so proud!
Having said all that, the Israeli song is making some kind of subtle comment about not wanting to be blown up by terrorists... so not all, how shall I say, lighthearted...
I'll be investing in a bottle of red and sitting down for a night in front of the telly. For those of you crazy cats who can't wait that long you can track rehearsal progress and other thrilling features on the
Eurovision website. Marvelous!
More anon