Musings of Alice

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well now, it would appear that I have not been paying attention to other blogs as I would normally, and missed the fact that I have been tagged by a second meme. Thankfully for you lucky people I will not be posting any pictures of myself this time, but I will be revealing...

... 6 Weird Things About Alice (thats me!)

1. My feet are very small, but because they are wide and I have a high instep I have to buy size 6 or 7 shoes. oooo I can tell you are thrilled.

2. I am unable to burp. GREAT, you might think, but instead I am afflicted with embarrassing burp/rumbling noises which come from my chest. I went to the doctor about it and he explained kindly that it is the result of...wait for it... "air swallowing"... After this enlightening experience I have given up on ever finding a cure.

3. I hate shopping... that is... girly shopping... The kind of shopping that involves agonising over some tiny garment that you'll get bored of by next month... I don't like waiting around, and when I seem to need to take a million hours to decide on something, it usually tells me I don't actually need it.

4. I had lessons to play the church organ for about a year, which struck me as a process of flailing both legs and both arms all at the same time... something one doesn't tend to do beyond the age of 18 months! Of course there was more skill involved. I intend to master it one day.

5. I still think Olives are the most beautiful food on the face of the earth. so many different kinds. Excuse me, I'm quite overwhelmed.

6. I tend to place my posessions in obscure places and then panic over their whereabouts. Consistently. And to the great amusement of my friends and family.

What a treat that was! More anon... :o)


Blogger The Venomous Bee said...

Eddie Izzard does this bit about playing the church organ ... he says it's like driving a wall. It's really very funny. I should say, I really respect people who can play a console organ. I play piano and I struggle with the damper pedal. I'll have my foot down and totally forget about it and wonder why the Mozart I'm playing sounds so ponderous when he's usually such a happy fellow. Coordination, my friend, you must have a great deal of it.

And ... Toccata and Fugue in D minor by Bach is SO much more interesting on a giant pipe organ than a piddly little single-keyboarded piano.

Shopping make me irate and misanthropic.

6:58 PM  

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