Musings of Alice

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Illusive Future

It has occured to me of late that I'm really going to miss being a scholarly student. Of course I know it was difficult being poor and not being able to read the books I wanted to. The fact is, I'm living through a stage in my development where my purpose in life seems to have evaporated. Job searching is an odd process, because unfortunately I won't be able to write an essay instead of an interview. If that was possible I'd be sorted! My interview skills are terrible, so much so that one of my kind friends has offered to go through a load of notes and questions with me to get me on the right track. I hate feeling like I have to sell myself, and to be honest, I would much rather be friendly than professional. She's got her work cut out. I also have the pressing matter of money and rent. I have no money, and the inevitable sound of rent knocking muffled, yet menacingly on the door. It's very traumatic obviously, living as I do, in one of the richest countries of the world, with opportunities open to me wherever I turn! I'm afraid I'm still going to worry though. It's unavoidable (my real name being Worry Fret McWorryson, but don't tell anyone!).

I really didn't think I'd miss doing my dissertation, and I was so damn relieved to finally finish it. What's more I got a first for it, so for once I actually succeeded in being succinct enough that someone understood what I was getting at. I spent my whole degree wondering what I'd get for essays, thinking I'd done well on ones that turned out bad, and vice versa. It has to be one of the weirdest feelings I've ever had, that I could possibly want all the pressure and stress again, but I guess it's because until my University years education was the last thing I wanted to have to endure. I'm a strange kind of nerd you see...I've always loved to learn, but hated education! University let me learn, without making me feel put upon to be "educated".

Now the world of work beckons, or at least I hope it does otherwise I'm gonna be stuck for answers, and rent, and food come to that! I imagine my procrastination hasn't helped. In fact I may have to write a whole other entry cataloguing my procrastination tendencies. I'm the tortoise rather than the hare, it has to be said. I wish there was a way to inject confidence into oneself. Maybe it's Speed. Although I doubt that would get me a job. And I would despise myself forever! Maybe I'll try drinking more coffee.

More anon dear folk.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alice,

Great job with the blogs, if I had been writing them myself the likelihood is that I would probably have given up by now out of sheer frustration, but I think you’ve just about perfected your style of getting things across (you always did have a way with words). Sorry to hear its sluggish on the job front, though am sure something will come across, particularly in York. Its fun here on the coast though I have a sneaky suspicion that the local job agencies are giving the jobs that nobody wants a certain appealing spin.

For example: Wanted

A keen, enthusiastic and hardworking individual with a flare for seafood. The position involves regular travel to various locations. Transport and accommodation is provided. A degree in a related subject could be useful but probably won’t be. (Job: fisherman)

6:18 PM  
Blogger Devon Alley said...

Thanks so much for visiting my site! And I understand what you mean about the shift from the academic world to the professional one -- I'm currently on the job hunt too after teaching as a graduate student for two years. It is a very awkward switch to make!

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alice

Dont worry you have all your friends here behind you, at home or in York. You just hang in their and things will happen for you. Nobody likes having to 'sell' themselves, its this messed up society that forces us to be competitive. :-P I LIKE PIE

1:37 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Hehe! I'm almost tempted to take that Fishermans Job! It does sound adventurous. Bloody freezing though! :o) At least there's always Pie!

7:49 AM  
Blogger Mr K said...

I rather enjoyed reading your dissertation. It was a kind of visceral english degree for me, which is probably about as close as I'd want oto get.. have not had to write an essay for a long long time now. Well. 4 years.

3:24 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Ah essays, I usually say I hate them, but as I actually got a good grade for my history essay this year I'm inclined to say they're awesome!
Luckily I don't have to write them that often.

4:27 PM  

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